The Power of the Cloud
Tracking your Time, Keeping you in Sync.
iSlips® Online is a stand-alone iPhone, iPad, and Android application that allows you to take your key Timeslips data with you while on the go. iSlips® Online is the fastest solution for tracking time and expenses because it takes advantage of the iPhone’s, iPad’s, and Android devices’ “always on” capability. No need to startup a slow computer to track that 15 minute call with a client. iSlips® Online can automatically start tracking time on a call made through the built in client dialing.
Works with Timeslips® 2006 and higher.
Download the App for Both iOS and Android
No signal? No problem.
Tracking your time in the courtroom is essential, yet most aren’t designed with cellphone connectivity in mind. Don’t let a lack of signal keep you from entering your time while you’re working, instead of after.
Everything you Need, Everywhere you Go.

- Time Entry (with timers)
- Time Increments (Rounding)
- Start/Stop Time Calculator
- Apple Watch App

- Expense Entry
- Mileage Calculator
- Capture Receipt Images
(Attach them to slips)

- Slips, Clients, Matters, and Activities are kept wirelessly synced with Timeslips
- Automatic Sync in Case of Lost Connection
- Customized Security Level

- Add New Clients
- Client Dialing & Emailing
with Automatic Slip Creation - Client Mapping (GPS)
- Add New References

- Recent Lists
(“Top 20”, Clients, References, and Activities) - Reports
(Hours Per Day, Dollars Per Day, and Slip Totals) - Slip Approval Process

- Abbreviations
- Works with iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and Android devices
- On Device Data Encryption
Short Term Commitment, Long Term Savings.
Both monthly and annual plans ensure the perfect fit for you.

$20/Month Per Person

$200/Year Per Person